Press release: Unwanted Witness and Public Interest Law Clinic, Makerere University-Kampala (PILAC) champion privacy rights among young lawyers in Uganda.

The Fight for Privacy Rights: A Moot Court Competition
April 13, 2023
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Press release: Unwanted Witness and Public Interest Law Clinic, Makerere University-Kampala (PILAC) champion privacy rights among young lawyers in Uganda.


Unwanted Witness and Public Interest Law Clinic, Makerere University-Kampala (PILAC) champion privacy rights among young lawyers in Uganda.

Kampala, Thursday 2nd March, 2023– Today, Unwanted Witness and the Public Interest Law Clinic, Makerere University-Kampala (PILAC) are thrilled to announce the launch of the second edition of the Unwanted Witness Privacy Moot Court Competition.

A highly anticipated inter-university learning event, seeks to provide law students and young law professionals with the opportunity to showcase their skills and knowledge in privacy law and Technology.

This year’s Privacy Moot court competition will take place from 21st to 22nd September 2023 at Makerere University Law School under the theme “Balancing Privacy Rights and National Security: Navigating the Impact of Surveillance Laws on Individual Freedoms.”

This theme will explore the tension between the need for national security and the protection of individual privacy rights, particularly in the context of surveillance laws. It will consider questions such as: How government and vendors of surveillance technologies can meet their duties and obligations under UN guiding principles on business and human rights? How can individuals and organizations protect their privacy in an age of increasing digital surveillance?

Government is making large investments in new surveillance technologies, with laws that expand their surveillance powers but wanting on accountability and oversight.

We are increasingly observing the privatization of public responsibilities through public-private surveillance partnership without any human rights safeguards. There is need for more scrutiny than ever to ensure human rights are not quietly abused, especially when the systems deployed are used for mass processing of personal data.  

The moot court competition will require participants to argue from both perspectives, representing different stakeholders such as government agencies and private individuals. Participants will also be tasked to propose practical solutions that balance national security concerns with the protection of privacy rights.

The Unwanted Witness Privacy Moot Court Competition is designed to bring attention to the critical importance of privacy law in our modern world and provide young people with a platform to demonstrate their understanding of this complex and rapidly evolving field.

The competition will feature participants from a variety of law schools from around the Uganda, who will argue a hypothetical privacy case before a panel of experienced judges and legal experts; showcasing their knowledge of privacy law and their ability to effectively advocate for their clients.

We are confident that this year’s competition will be even more exciting and challenging than the first, and we are proud to offer participants the opportunity to learn from experienced practitioners and engage with their peers in a meaningful and impactful way.

We believe that the Privacy Moot Court Competition will play a significant role in promoting public awareness and understanding of privacy law, and we are excited to provide this opportunity for legal professionals to grow and develop their skills

We therefore encourage all Law Schools with an interest in privacy law and the protection of personal data to register for the 2nd Edition of the Unwanted Witness Privacy Moot Court Competition.

For more information and how to register, please log on to Or follow the moot social media pages.

About the Organizers


Unwanted Witness is a leading digital rights organization in Uganda that advocates for an open, secure and inclusive use of technology that contributes to the realization of human rights and good governance. Established in 2012, Unwanted Witness also works through collaborations and networks for synergy building. Ensuring that negative effects of technology are minimized and maximizing the positive potentials. Since its establishment, it has been at the forefront of advocating for the right to privacy.

  • The Public Interest Law Clinic (PILAC)

The Public Interest Law Clinic (PILAC) was established at the School of law, Makerere University in January 2012, becoming the first Clinic established at a University in Uganda. PILAC seeks to promote hands-on experiential learning as well as exposing students to ‘live’ cases of individuals who have been confronted by the law in its varied manifestations.